Wednesday 9 November 2011

Lower Cholesterol and Its Remedies

The advanced, yet unhealthy life style and the careless type of food habits are the main reasons for lower cholesterol related problems in most of the people. As the medications like tablets, syrups and capsules which are generally composed of chemical ingredients, have considerable side effects, people are showing much interest in switching over to natural options instead of leaving their problems in the hands of these adversely effecting chemicals. If you have come to know from any recent tests you which you had undergone for any recent illness, that your cholesterol level has come down, though not extensively, it is advisable that you bring a change to your lifestyle as well as in your eating habits, thus controlling your cholesterol in a natural way, rather than relying on mere medicines, which are harmful drugs.

Some of the risks and side effects associated with the medication for lower cholesterol are muscular pain and weakness Irritation and tiredness Inflammation, liver damage or other malfunctioning, less mental clarity and bad memory, heart failure and Elimination of important heart protection nutrients.

Some of the easily applicable and easily affordable natural remedies in getting rid of lower cholesterol include

1. Low cholesterol diet – If you maintain a well-planned diet, which involves less cholesterol fats can help you to reduce cholesterol to a great extent. By trying to avoid saturated fats and Trans fats that are capable of leading to high cholesterol levels, as a whole, you will be able to reduce the total intake of fat. Try to use olive oil for cooking your food, and take more of omega-3 fish and whole grains. High fibre contended fruits and vegetables are also important ones to be included, as their role is splendid in controlling cholesterol naturally.
2. Lose weight – It is equally important to cut down the fat dumped in your body, and also to try losing weight in order to lower your cholesterol level. Calculate the right weight according to your height with the BMI formula.
3. Regular exercises – It is definitely essential to devote at least half an hour a day for exercising in order to reduce the fat and thus, indirectly lowering the cholesterol level. Cholesterol related problems occur to those people who lead an inactive life. Devote some time for walking, gardening, cycling or jogging.
4. Say good bye to sweets and junk food – These type of food have very bad effects on the cholesterol level of the body which only a few people are aware of. This can be substituted by the intake of high-fibred fruits and vegetables.
5. Drink more of plain water – Plain water is very helpful for free flow of blood circulation, urinary system, digestive system and in pushing unwanted salt and chemicals from the body. Intake of at least ten glasses of water everyday is a must.
6. Stop smoking – Damage of blood vessels, clotting in the arteries are some of the main problems occurring due to smoking, gradually leading to lower cholesterol. So, try stopping this habit, at least, step by step.

Author : Jacob Blair

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